Bringing Florida Politics and Tallahassee to Broward

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For more than 20 years, Broward Days has been an independent, nonprofit, and nonpartisan group of people advocating for the diverse needs and concerns of the citizens of Broward County.  The ongoing and dedicated work of our Issue Teams’ leaders and members helps identify the most current and pressing needs of our community and helps to guide our topics, speakers, and focus on advocacy throughout the year.

We believe that large and small companies, local agencies and individual donors are important contributors to the vibrant fabric of Broward County. By making a financial commitment to Broward Days, a sponsoring organization can increase its overall exposure and gain access to coveted networking and business development opportunities, along with the chance to become a catalyst for countywide-unity by supporting civic involvement in the legislative process.

Sponsors of Broward Days are positioned to play a strong leadership role in shaping the future of Broward County through access and exposure to state and local government officials, and by creating the opportunity for Broward Days participants to continue to educate Florida decision makers in a way that affects positive change in our community.

Consider joining our mission by becoming a sponsor today! There are several sponsorship levels from which to choose, or an exclusive benefits package can be tailored specifically to highlight any sponsor’s specific needs and interests.

For additional information, please contact the Broward Days Office at [email protected].